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Discover our range of products for the automotive market

Since 1970 I.M.P. GROUP SRL produces high precision metallic minuteries as terminals, terminal covers, connectors, fuses and fuses holders for the automotive, industrial wiring, information technology and telecomunication market. We are looking for retailers in the Dubai area. Are you interested? In particular, for the automotive market we can provide:

High  Reliability Terminals

  • Eyelet Terminals: Designed to ensure a secure and stable connection. Perfect for applications requiring robustness and reliability.
  • Fork Terminals: Offer easy installation and a firm connection. Ideal for environments where speed and safety are crucial.
  • Terminal Covers: Protect your connections with our terminal covers, designed to prevent accidental contact and enhance terminal durability.

Innovative Connectors

  • Multiple Connectors: Versatile solutions for multiple connections, ensuring a stable and secure contact in one point. Perfect for reducing clutter and improving wiring efficiency.
  • Branch Terminals: Ideal for creating secure and reliable branches without compromising the quality of the electrical signal. Easy to install and highly durable.

High-Quality Fuses

  • Mini Low Profile Blade Fuses: Compact and powerful, providing protection in tight spaces without compromising performance.
  • Mini Blade Fuses: Designed to protect electrical circuits from overloads, keeping your system safe and operational.
  • Midi Blade Fuses: Reliable and sturdy, ideal for applications requiring intermediate protection between mini and maxi.
  • Maxi Blade Fuses: Perfect for high-power applications, these fuses provide robust protection against overloads.
  • Cylindrical Fuses: Traditional and reliable solutions for safe and time-tested protection.
  • Fuse Holders: We offer a complete range of fuse holders to keep your fuses securely in place, ensuring a safe and accessible connection.

Why Choose I.M.P. GROUP?

  • Quality and Reliability: Our products are made with high-quality materials and designed to last.
  • Low Prize: thanks to continuous research, we are able to provide you with the best products at affordable prices.
  • Continuous Innovation: We constantly invest in research and development to offer you the most advanced solutions in electrical connections.
  • Custom packaging: We can provide you with costomised packaging, according to your needs.
  • Dedicated Customer Support: Our team is always ready to assist you, from choosing the right product to post-sale support.


Contact us for information



Produzione di terminali, copri-terminali, contatti lamellari e connettori plastici che abbracciano settori quali: automobilistico; elettrodomestico; informatico; delle telecomunicazioni; elettromeccanico in genere. Tale linea di prodotti è poi stata arricchita dalla realizzazione di fusibili per auto e porta-fusibili.

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